主办: 中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院網絡社會研究所 臺灣當代文化實驗場 香港中文大學 平台合作主義聯盟 co-lab 社區協力:Segmentfault 活動召集人:黃孫權 李士傑 邱林川 報名日期:2018/07/10 - 08/15 活動時間:2018/09/26 - 27 點擊線上報名


合作松2 臺北拍腦會
合作平台(coop platform),強化社與社,組織與組織間合作,如社間交易、相互入社、共享社員與資源、共同活動、勸募/眾籌、聯合資料庫、合作社網絡等等。
可近資源(accessible resources):面對社會大眾,如何擴散合作運動精神,如合作社資源地圖、成立合作社教學、各地法規匯編、全球合作社運動資料庫等等。
We consolidate the local panel discussion results into three main theme, making it as the axis for the collaboration and imagination:
– self organization: enhancing the internal technical literacy and efficiency on man and machine, e.g. the tools development for human and machine resources management, vendoring system, meeting organization, democracy procedure, etc.
– coop platform: enhancing the coops-coops interaction, inter-organization collaboration, e.g. cross-coops transaction, mutual membership, shared member and resources, co-holding events, crowd-funding, united database, coops networks, etc.
– accessible resources: awareness raising activities and events to inspire and disseminate the spirit of coops, facing general public and utility application, e.g. coops resources map, multimedia instructional material for establishing coops, legal resources compilement in different regions, global coops movement database, etc.
活動報名日期:2018/07/10 – 08/15
獲選公告時間:2018/08/20 ,主辦單位將採用EMAIL與電話通知。若放棄參加,將由後續名單遞補,並更正獲選名單。
活動時間:2018/09/26 – 27。
PCC大會(9/28 – 29):合作松結束後,參賽者欲參加PCC會議,需自費食宿等相關事宜。主辦單位不負責,但可協助參賽者尋求便宜的住宿。在行程安排期間告知主辦單位與會,可安排回程機票日期。
Registration: 2018/07/10 – 08/15
– Registeration Results Announcement: 2018/08/20 (Registered participants would be informed by email and phone, and the final compiled list would be updated and published online in one week.)
– Event Dates: 2018/09/26 – 27
– PCC Conference Dates and Participation: Coopathon participants are welcomed to join PCC Conference (2018/09/28-29). Participants need to take care their own meals and accommodation, or facilitated by Coopathon organizor by request. Certain information could be consulted and provided to Coopathon organizor while finalizing the return journey flight date.
活動地點(Hackathon Location)
Hong Kong (The address will be included in the Registeration Results Announcement email)
活動辦法(Hackathon Rules)
徵選中港台關心合作主義的網絡技術人員,藝術家,設計師,社會企業創新等有經驗的人士參加 。報名方式採取預先審核制與現場報名制:預先審核制,需線上填寫完整經歷與聯絡方式(線上報名表)經由主辦單位審核;現場報名者必須在活動當天(9/26)早上九點準備相關資料(請列印線上報名表填寫)於現場報名。報名可以個人或團隊(不超過三人為限)參加。
The Coopathon organizor welcome Internet related technical experts, engineers, network administrators, business developers, artists, designers, social enterpreneurs to participate our culture and art hackathon. We will welcome pre-registration and onsite registration for the Coopathon.
– Pre-registration: applicants should fill online form of past experiences and contact information reviewed and verified by the Coopathon organizor.
– Onsite registration: applicants should print out and fill the registration form, and submit onsite to organizor information desk.
The registration could be individual and collective (one team should not include more than three persons).
二、審核與公布(Review and Announcement)
The organizor would review and select Taiwanese and Chinese applicants and sponsor their airflight expanses, meals in the coopathon event and accommodation. Hongkong selected applicants would be arranged their accommodation on condition.Both Taiwanese and Chinese selected applicants, which is the registered participants, would need to sign agreements before the journey.
三、活動方式(Hackathon Organization)
The Coopathon event would be carried on under the flow of “proposal – team buildup – work – presentation – judge review – award”. The official event language would be dual, both in Chinese and English. The proposal should be aligned to the main themes of Coopathon: self organization, coop platform, and accessible resources. The final results could be and not only limited to the prototypes of website, app, database, game, etc.
四、評審與獎勵(評審與獎勵 Judge and Award)
由程式指導員、合作社代表團、合作松活動召集人,從程式簡報、演示方案及程式結構完整性、開創性、獨特性的角度,共同決議前三名。獲選優勝隊伍可分配鼓勵性獎金共1200美元,合作松主辦單位 ( 臺灣當代文化實驗場、中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院網絡社會研究所,香港中文大學,平台合作主義聯盟 ) 頒發獎狀。所有參賽者皆可獲得主辦單位設計頒發的參賽證明。得獎作品,將有機會獲得台灣文化部當代文化實驗場後續的經費支持,完成原型作品,向社會公眾發佈。
Coopathon organizer would organize judge team, which includes programmer instructors, coop representatives, and coopathon organizers, to judge the final presentation results via program and presentation, solution and demonstration, program structure completeness, innovation, and uniqueness to decide 3 final awardees. The top three teams could gain total $1200 USD as the awards to encourage more contribution to the coops, Asian and global civil society. Award certificates would be issued by Culture C-Lab Taiwan Ministry of Culture, INS Chinese Academy of Art, Hongkong Chinese University, PCC Alliance. All the participants will receive the participation certificates designed by Coopathon organizer. The award-winning works would have chance to be supported by C-Lab Living Art Foundation of Taiwan, Ministry of Culture to finish prototypal product work and announce to public in further events.
得獎作品,必須遵守所有法規,以開放源代碼發佈,採用 Creative Commons 授權規則中的署名-非商業性使用-相同方式共享的授權許可。參賽團隊其延續作品或衍生作品不在此限,但在作品署名時需提到“合作松2”活動,臺灣當代文化實驗場、中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院網絡社會研究所、香港中文大學、平台合作主義聯盟主辦單位之名。
Award-winning project and works would have to resolve possible legal issues and open source code, using Creative Commons license to release related documentation (for instance cc by-noncomercial-sharealike license). Participants future derivative works are not included. Any works in its further publishing should mention the credits of Coopathon, C-Lab, INS CAA, HK Chinese University, PCC.

合作松1“為了合作社的編碼”·黑客松現場 愉快的討論。2016年12月11-12日,上海,網絡社會研究所主辦。

— coops: what are the current various, diversified status of coops in China, HK, Taiwan, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippine, and Singapore?
— Funding: how to initiate a co-op? How to operate with sustainable funding support?
— New Platform: how to utilize specialized app, website, social media toolkit and various channels to establish solid groundwork? How to establish co-owned platform which is shared among labors?
— Success Stories: how did co-ops in Asia succeed in the domains include community development, carpool, nursing, and translation service, etc.?
— Empowerment: how did Asia cooperatives empower worker, female, minorities, disabilities, and the other marginal social group members?
— Open and transparent: why people struggle for the ownership of coops’ data, and demands the diversity of digital economy sector?
– Intersection: how Commoning movement and platform cooperativism movement influence each other?
– Policy and Sustainability: how to continue improving environment monitor, facilitate the long term business model development for the Asian cooperatives?
– Governance: how to secure the democracy process and decision-making within the distributed labor crowds and distributed organization?