
Members and Laboratories

黄孙权博士 中國美院教授 博導 所長| 网络社会实验室
Prof. Huang Sun Quan /Laboratory for Network Society

以资讯技术,流动空间与实体空间的生产力分析为主,专注新技术带来的社会动员,文化认同,经济模式与城市创新的转变。包含了两个领域的深入,对于社会创新(游戏科幻,黑客与创客文化,众筹与众包的社会性网络,云计算,大数据)与城市发展(创意工业,另类经济,城乡发展,社区营造,地方创生、平台合作主義等),培养学生掌握空间生产意义上的社会性都市论(societal urbanism)。

The laboratory for network society is focused on information technology, flowing space, and spatial entity as a means of production analysis. The advent of new technology has brought about shifts in social mobilization, cultural identity, economic models, and urban innovation. This research is invested in two main fields: 1. Social innovation, Sci-fi gaming, hacker and maker culture, crowdfunding and crowd sourcing, Cloud computing, big data. 2.Urban development, innovative industry, alternative economics, urban -rural development, social mobilization, as well as cooperative systematics. With the hope that through the extensive reading and practicing in these vast fields, students may grasp the meaning of production of space holds in the societal urbanism and platform cooperativism in  China context.

李士杰 客座研究員| 物件社会与自然实验室
Le Shih Chieh / Laboratory of Objects, the Social and the Nature Experiment

本实验室关注从数位典藏(digital archives)以降,于汇整物件、社会(the Social)与自然(the Natural)的三重构现实之创新方法。重新检视网络社会现象,佐以物件、社会与自然的创新观点,并且寻求媒介与呈现的新互动模式。透过全球数位文化社群与数位人文学、数位典藏学科暨实践领域的对话,策划一系列的黑客松与工作坊,来建立新的行动模型。

The Laboratory of Objects, the Social and the Nature Experiment is focused on the arrival of Digital archives, and the creative method which incorporates the object, the social and the natural together forming the “Tri-structured reality”. Utilizing the object, the social and the natural innovative perspective to reevaluate the phenomena of social networking. As well as searching for a new interactive model that combines medium and presentation. Establishing dialogues through the Global community of digital culture between digital humanities and digital archival studies by organizing a series of hackathons and workshops in the hopes developing a new operative model.

刘怿斯 客座研究員 AI與自然語言實驗室
YisiLiu / Laboratory of AI and Natural Language

周蓬岸 客座研究員 媒介考古與網頁博物館實驗室


This laboratory focuses on exploring the interplay between information technology and popular culture, examining this relationship from both temporal and spatial perspectives. On one hand, we delve deeply into the long-term impacts of historical computer software and hardware, especially their roles in shaping popular culture and contemporary art. On the other hand, we study the development of information technology across different regions and cultural backgrounds, with a particular focus on China and other emerging markets.

助理研究员 Assistant Reachers

崔雨|SOAS University of London, Critical Media and Cultural Studies 硕士
卢瑞洋|中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院 当代社会思想与策展研究 硕士 技术与哲学博士在读
叶薇 |中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院 当代社会思想与策展研究 硕士
張騁|东南大学建筑学院 建筑历史与理论专业 博士生
王杜若|Dutch Art Institute(DAI Roaming Academy), ArtEz University of the Arts 碩士
鄭葉穎 |中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院 網絡社會研究所 碩士