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Special Event: Archverse Launch Party: Meetverse
19:00-20:00 live show
Artists:Tooto,Bu Zhi Fu
20:00-?Online Party on the Minsheng Ship, Beibei, Decentraland(Please wear a metamask, and be eager to collide with each other.)
Artists:Liquid Farmer / Cephalosis / Yu Tian / jiafeng / Starstar / Neptunian Maximalism

Special Event:Archverse Launching Party,“Meetverse”
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Meetverse Party, as a side-project of Archverse Beibei, is an online music party that takes place in the Dragon City area of Decentraland.
Unlike conventional “online performances”, the Meetverse Party has a more open mechanism of the sound – it inherits the animal-like ecstasy of the millennial the Wild Great Wall rave party, but does not exclude other musical genres from participating in it to rewrite themselves. And if we subconsciously assume that the sound that emerges from a new technology should be the so-called “more technological” sound, then we are already in the technology’s trap. How do we use and even cheat this virtual space to make it a better place while it is naturally getting insaner? Just having more music styles is not enough, more urgent thing is that in this online party happened in Decentraland, participants can make random sounds by interacting with each other, and these off-stage sound fragments are simultaneously performed with the music on stage, and are collected by a “total radio” in this universe. Everyone participates in the construction of the “soundscape” of the zone, so the centralization of the right to make sound brought about by the stage is expected to be melted down, and this “soundscape”, together with the liquid historical messages and the rapidly changing technological platform, has become the Meetverse Party’s telescope to look into the past, present and future – Even if our watching is turning into a desperate action due to the speculation of some people on this platform.
Let me put two quotes here: ” It is only for the sake of those without hope that hope is given to us.” (Benjamin); “We only wish to have a hope as a revenge.” (Mu Dan) – The Meetverse Party is the MEET of despair and hope, and the “MEET” is an action that is always always always “happening”.
The Meetverse party featured six musicians: Kunming-based coldwave and electronic duo Cephalosis and its member JH’s solo-project Starstar(星之星),Belgium-based big-band Neptunian Maximalism, Shanghai-based experimental musician Yutian(於闐) and post-internet pop producer/singer Jiafeng(高嘉丰), and the Japanese DJ and experimental electronic musician Liquid Farmer, who now lives in Zhejiang Province.
(Initiator: Prof. Sunquan Huang, Duohan Zhang, Earth Zhang)

DJ list
Tooto Too is the “too” of too much. It could be either adj. or adv.; and “Tooto”the “too……to” from “too……to do something”.
Bu Zhi Fu To understand another animal is definitely hard for an animal. Miss Bu Zhi Fu, in her second year of Master at China Academy of Art, hides her tastes in piles of old paper, stirring cute with catastroph. She is good at music-montage, like a wondering alley puppy, pooping rainbows under the poles at the crossroad. Her music list is usually suspicious but not suspended, offering her audiences a happy puffy treat. She is ued to taking performance seriously, to bring audiences happiness with her ernest list!