吕新雨,1993年获复旦大学文艺美学专业博士学位。1993年始在复旦大学新闻学院任教,2002年评为教授,2004年担任博士生导师。历任复旦大学新闻学院广播电视系主任,复旦纪录影像研究中心主任,复旦大学当代马克思主义新闻与传播研究中心执行主任,复旦大学视觉文化研究中心副主任。2014年7月起任华东师范大学紫江特聘教授,华东师范大学-康奈尔比较人文研究中心(ECNU-Cornell Center for Comparative Humanities)主任,华东师范大学传播学院博士生导师。2017年2月起,担任华东师范大学传播学院院长。
主要研究方向为中国新纪录运动、影视传播、传播政治经济学、文化研究、三农问题等。著有《错位:后冷战时代的中国叙述与视觉政治》(2018)、《学术、传媒与公共性》(华东师范大学出版社,2015、2018);《乡村与革命》(华东师范大学出版社,2013);《书写与遮蔽:影像、传媒与文化论集》(广西师大出版社,2008);《纪录中国—当代中国的新纪录运动》(北京三联书店,2003),2006年获第四届中国高校人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖;《神话•悲剧•<诗学>—对古希腊诗学传统的重新认识》(复旦大学出版社,1995)。编著(与Chris Berry和Lisa Rofel合作)The New Chinese Documentary film Movement: For the Public Record (Hong Kong University Press, 2010),为英语学术界中第一本讨论当代中国新纪录运动的论著;编著《大众传媒与上海认同》(上海书店,2011);主编“纪录•影像 : 海外与中国”丛书,2013年复旦大学出版社推出。联合主编“批判传播学”系列丛书,2015年华东师范大学出版社推出。论文被翻译为英文、法文、德文、日文、韩文等。
Lu Xinyu is professor and dean of the School of Communication, ECNU (East China Normal University),where she also serves as senior research fellow. Her research is focused on the relationship between visual culture in China, mass media and the social development. Her many writings include Documenting China: The New Documentary Movement (Beijing, SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2003), Writing and What It Obscures (Guiling, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2008),The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement: For the Public Record, (as two chapters author and co-editor, Hong Kong University Press,2010), Academic, Media and Publicity (Shanghai, East China Normal University Press, 2015/2018),Dislocation: Chinese Narrative and Visual Politics in the Post Cold War Era(Shanghai ,East China Normal University Press, 2018)
Future Archaeology in the Age of New Media
In the 21st century, social media is changing the world. However, from another perspective, it is the changes of the world that led to the emergence of social media. As a reaction to the “de-localization” process caused by globalization, the virtual community constructed by social media reflects the demand for the community that human society cannot give up. Today, the worldwide “de-localization” of large-scale immigrants, along with the urbanization process, the rapid disappearance of rural communities, the reconstruction of urban-rural relations, and the rise of refugee flows and terrorism are all leading to the large scale social unrest and uneasiness. Those all are the causes and fertile ground for the rise of social network in the new media environment.
Toady, the global hegemony of the new media era is occupying the world stage. The unprecedented process of human “proletarianization” has started. It also indicates the political significance of new media which becomes the habitat and workplace of the expanding netizens and coders. In this process, a series political forces shaping the 19th and 20th centuries, such as the state, sovereignty, subject, ethnic group, class and people, have not disappeared but been presented with new historical impetus. The dynamic topology of power will be even more confusing. However, there has never been a savior. To recapture the fruits of labor, to break the mind through the cage, are all rely on ourselves—this is still the dialectic of world history in the Internet age.
Democracy is dead, long live democracy!