
纪元:中国文艺黑客松(1)落地松 新作一个杭州人

主办:中国美术学院跨媒体藝術学院 网路社会研究所|線上報名表 


總策劃:黃孫權 李世傑

活動策劃:周曙光 / 行政統籌:张骋 姚雨辰 / 美術設計:偏飛設計事務所

        場地:卢睿洋 / 影像記錄:程艺團隊

社區支持:Segment Fault

城市有三种,第一种是石头的城市,是建筑与生活的;第二种是数据与文字的城市,是经济学与文学的,法国文豪雨果常说:文字历史会打败石头的历史;还有第三种城市,是想像的城市。“新作一个杭州人”是对第三种城市实践的邀请函。“新”有二义:一是“重新”(renovate),沿着杭州地理历史学与与全球化流动空间,重新织做、理解、打造杭州人;另一是“创新”(innovate),能够如何援引技术元件、资讯文化来构造城市生活的未来。法国社会学家 Bruno Latour 在 ZKM策划“打开事物”(Making Things Public)的新媒体艺术展中,曾以物件作为重新启动网络与社会动能的核心。现在我们希望借着“重新”与“创新”这两种角度,排演杭州未来地景,以及新作一个杭州人的感知构造。



中国美院选择黑客松(hackathon)——这个近年来全球网络社会新兴的集体行动形式 ——资讯软体与思想、数据快速协同合作的工作形式资讯软体的快速协同合作的工作形式,产出的社会创新之雏形成果(prototypes),提供不同领域的实践者创新机会。通过邀请顶尖的程序员,设计师、黑客,艺术家参与,在不同主题案例分享,专业导师协作指导和自主提案的相互激励下,号召并自组团队,落地杭州,开展想像。成果展示将包括(而不限于)多媒体装置,城市媒介,扩增实境,互动装置、资料视觉化、网路服务或小型实体物件。



时间:2015年12月26日 至 27日,周六周日两天 地点:中国美术学院 南山校区

邀请对象(线上报名优先考虑 组队或个人共15位名额,现场报名接受人数视状况决定)
  1. 艺术家、策展人;
  2. 程序员,熟悉前端、json,数据库,php,python,黑客文化优先;
  3. 有硬件背景的创客,熟悉Arduino、树莓派、Intel_DF等开源硬件;
  4. 设计师,技术工程人员;
  5. 能让想法实践并激励团队的暖人类。
  1. 组建团队参加,或现场提案召集成员,一起争取共35000人民币大奖;
  2. 与顶尖黑客、艺术家切磋的机会;
  3. 聆听两岸顶尖计划主导者的演讲与黑客松提案
  4. 提供杭州西湖边三天的食宿;
  5. 如果你是杭州外地高手,还可能有提供往返交通费(由主办方决定)。
  1. 以杭州为主题,评审标准为在文化艺术的范畴内,利用网络技术,用到数据库,有协同工作,有成长性,能够展现知识分享与社会教育的理念。
  2. 设置3个奖项,Invent奖20000人民币,Imagine奖10000人民币,Inspire奖5000人民币。由同组队员共享。
  3. 延续作品或衍生作品曝光时,需提到中国美院网络社会研究所赞助。
  4. 得奖作品,必须遵守所有法规,以开放源代码发布,采用Creative Commons授权规则中的署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 的授权许可。



2015年十二月二十六日(週六) 中國美院南山校區 學術報告廳
時間 演講者/主題(公開演講)
8:30-9:00 開幕式 來賓介紹
8:30-8:40 中國美院副院長 高士明 黑客松致辭 《 讓子彈飛久一點
8:40-8:50 中國美院網絡社會研究所教授 黃孫權 落地松開幕致詞《 開始技術
8:50-9:00 台灣數位文化工作者 李士傑 《 如何用身體實踐,認識網絡與社會簡報檔
9:00-9:30 北京大學新聞傳播學院教授 胡泳 《 黑客運動
9:30-10:00 李士傑,artlinkart 創辦人 鄭為民 《 文化資料跟社群媒體
10:10-10:30 線上黑客松策展 《 能不能在杭州做這個? part I
10:30-11:00 Relab的共同創辦人 劉又瑄 《 新時代的溝通武器:資訊設計 – 從視物致知到寬物樂知簡報檔
11:00-11:30 「多背1KG」公益項目創始人余志海 《 教育設計簡報檔
11:30-11:45 Gephi認證講師 劉勇 《 數據視覺化經驗分享簡報檔
11:45-12:00 台灣開放街圖成員 陳瑞霖 《 群眾參與的力量,開放街圖的實踐與挑戰簡報檔
12:00-12:30 沈陽大學美術學院院長 解勇 《 暴力語言可以成為武器簡報檔
12:30 13:30 午餐
13:30-13:45 移師至中國美院南山校區 四號樓306室(黑客松時間)
13:45-14:15 線上黑客松策展 《能不能在杭州做這個? part II》+ 台灣的自由軟體文化 唐鳳《開放資料》/ 準備提案 / 現場報名
14:15-14:30 SegmentFault 共同創辦人 高陽 提供黑客松協作指導
14:30-15:15 3分鐘快速提案
15:15-18:30 黑客松
18:30-19:30 晚餐
19:30~ 深思工作的長夜,也許到天明(無限咖啡與零食提供)
2015年十二月二十七日(週日) 中國美院南山校區 四號樓306室
時間 進行內容
00:00~ 也許剛睡醒,也許沒睡(終日皆有咖啡與零食提供)
7:30~8:30 早餐
8:00-12:00 黑客松
12:00-13:00 午餐
3:30-16:40 黑客松
16:50-17:40 演示時間(每組十五分鐘,每位組員三分鐘)
17:50-18:10 李仁貴《黑未來短講:技術將怎麼挑戰社會?以物聯網與穿戴式醫療為例》
18:10-18:40 評審評選和頒獎
18:40-21:00 晚宴
21:00~ 冬天西湖夜遊,或討論未來的想像



黄孙权 Huang SunQuan (总策划)
Prof. Huang SunQuan is teaching at Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Arts of Kaohsiung Normal University. He is a visiting professor at Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2005,6) and as a director of Institute of Network Society(INS), SIMA Of China Art Academy. He is known as a media-social activist than a academic scholar .
李士杰 Li Shih-Chieh(总策划)
网路文化工作者、网际网路运动者,中国美院网路社会研究所客座教授。长期关注网络原生思维与前沿的知识发现、社会与自然设计、机器混成文化与人的延伸。1997 年加入 Nettime 国际讨论群组;1999-2003 年参与荷兰 《下一个五分钟:战术媒体研讨会》与批判网际网路研究;2002-2004 年担任台湾中研院自由软体铸造场计划(OSSF, Open Source Software Foundry)创始计划经理。2012 年参与上海双年展,与 Goldsmith 金匠学院文化研究中心艺术家及资深讲师 Graham Harwood 在圆明学院举办“资料浸淫:资料库、艺术与权力”工作坊。
A network culture worker and Internet Movement activist as well as a visiting professor of INS. He joined Nettime international discussion group in 1997; participated in the Next 5 Minutes Tactical Media Conference and Critical Internet Studies in Netherland; during 2002-2004, he served as the manager of the Open Source Software Foundry (OSSF) of Academia Sinica. In 2012, he took part in Shanghai Biennial and held a workshop entitled “Data Immersion: Database, Art and Power” with Graham Harwood.
周曙光 Zola Zhou(落地松活动策划)
湖南人,网络工程师。因以网络日志客串记者身份,多次通过社会化网络平台报道公共事件而获得国际关注,被国外学者称之为民间记者。2011年因行为艺术作品意外成为“iPad遗像男”风靡网络。 自称为网络日志作者、Senior Solution Expert、网络玩家或艺术家,目前已经有多个影响广泛的行为艺术作品,如跨越长城俯卧撑iPad遗像。目前居住在台湾花莲县瑞穗乡瑞穗村。
Zhou Shuguang, a.k.a. Zola, is a self-taught internet technologist and former network administrator who received his certification as a network engineer in 2004. Since May 2004, Zola has maintained a blog at [1] where he shares often useful and interesting information, occasionally focused on social issues. In 2007, Zola reported on what was being called “the most awesome nail house in history” in Chongqing, subsequently attracting the attention of traditional media. Since then, Zola has participated on the reports of various sensitive stories and breaking news events such as the “Resist P-Xylene Plant” Demonstration in Xiamen, the Yilishen scandal in Shenyang, the “Weng’an Uproar”, the CCTV headquarters fire, the stabbing of a prominent blogger in Qianliexian, and the news of Hangzhou resident Tan Zhuo who was killed by a speeding sports car. By reporting on these and other events, through various social networking platforms, Zola has since received widespread international attention. He is one of the many veterans fighting the censorship of news and Internet restrictions in China. Zola has received interviews by both domestic and international media, and is the subject of much academic discussion in the area of new media. Zola continues to host seminars on new media technology in Beijing, Guangzhou and throughout mainland China.
朱焕杰 James Swineson (特别邀请之技术指导员)
a simple, multi-paradigm, structed, unrobust, platform-independent, low-performance, multithread and dynamic programmer.


胡泳 HU Yong
HU Yongis a professor at Peking University’s School of Journalism and Communication, and a well-known new media critic and Chinese Internet pioneer. Hu Yong is a founding director for Communication Association of China (CAC) and China New Media Communication Association (CNMCA) . He is an academic committee member, China Information Economics Society (CIES), and currently directs its Institute for Information Society Studies (IISS) . He is also a member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Social Media, 2013-2015; and a jury member, the BOBs (Best of Online Activism) Awards, the world’s largest international blog and microblog competition, honoring websites and projects in 14 languages that champion the open exchange of ideas and freedom of expression, 2013-2015.
冯大辉 David Feng
生活在杭州。网名Fenng,曾就职于阿里巴巴集团旗下支付宝(中国)网络科技有限公司(Alipay.com),担任数据库架构师,负责支付宝数据库架构规划、解决方案以及技术推广等相关工作。业余时间关注Web 2.0网站架构技术,关注开源文化。国内首批Oracle ACE。现任 丁香园网站CTO。曾历任支付宝架构师、数据库团队负责人等职。与一众朋友在杭州搞了实体咖啡吧(BetaCafe),是当地知名的IT业人士活动的场所,喜欢 The Cure 的音乐。《Oracle性能诊断艺术》一书的合作译者。个人Blog
Internet ID: Fenng, used to be an active Blogger, tech geek and Twitter lover. Lives in Hangzhou. Used to work for Alipay under Alibaba group (China) Network Technology Co. Ltd. as a database architect. He Focuses on medical Internet entrepreneur area and works for Ding Xiang Yuan as the leader of technical team. He owns Beta Café which famous people working in IT industry are fond of going. He is also a co-translator of the book “Troubleshooting Oracle Performance”.
刘又瑄 Re-lab共同创办人
Re-lab 是一个专注在解决资讯传达问题的设计顾问团队。赋予资讯生命,使其打动人心是我们的使命。我们的服务范畴包含资讯传达过程中所需的顾问谘询、资讯处理、使用者研究、策略设计、设计呈现及后端媒体推广的建议。Re-lab 根据您想传达的资讯内容和沟通对象,为您量身打造资讯传递与呈现的方式,从静态的资讯图像化设计、动态的影像,到互动式微型网站和游戏,都可能是适合您用来传达内容的绝佳载具。
Re-lab is an information design consultancy. We focus on helping clients explain information beautifully and effectively. Our goal is to bring your information to life, and make them be unique and impressive. Our service process includes consulting, information processing, user research, communication strategy design, visual design and media promotion. According to the content clients want to deliver and considering every aspect of the target audience, Re-lab develop a design strategy. The design would be infographics, motion graphics, interactive websites or even games, anything that helps to communicate with the audience.
余志海 Andrew Yu
An active participant in the field of public welfare, education and design in China. In 1996, Graduated from Radio Engineering Department of South China University of Technology in Guangdong, he works in project management and marketing in the telecom and IT industry. From the year 2004, he started a charity campaign called “1 kg”, encouraging travelers to bring books and stationary to schools in the countryside during their trips, therefore broadening the vision of students there. The campaign, which has been covered widely by the media, soon gained the support from the majority of white-collar workers and became a well-known domestic and foreign public welfare activity. In 2008, he established a public welfare innovation institution called “AiJu”, which focuses on the innovative design of public goods.
解勇 Xie Yong
教授/沈阳大学美术学院 院长。中国工艺美术协会金属艺术委员会。长期坚持以艺术实践、作品回应社会问题的艺术创作态度,艺术作品多次在国际展赛中获得金、银、铜等奖项。其参与的暴力语言会成为凶器是相当出色的媒体教育计画。
Professor/ Head of Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang University Executive Secretary General of Metal Art Committee of Chinese art and Crafts Association, Vice president of the Art Committee of Chinese arts and Crafts Society, Vice chairman of Liaoning Youth Artists Association. He is also known as an organizer of the campaign “Words can be weapons” under the Center for Psychological Research in Shenyang.
郑为民 Zheng Weimin
2000 创建东大名创库 , 2007 创建 中国当代艺术数据库ARTLINKART 是中国。当代艺术数据库;是与中国当代艺术全面同步的中英文网站;是更客观、更准确地展示中国当代艺术发展全貌的平台;是为艺术学术研究、艺术品投资,及艺术专业人士提供多维度、多视角数据信息的工具。
2000 established ddmwarehouse , 2007 established ARTLINKART, the Chinese contemporary art database. ARTLINKART is an online database project for Chinese contemporary art, a bilingual art website for both Chinese and English readers.
唐凤 Audrey Tang
A self-educated programmer and translator and a g0v contributor, Audrey works with Apple as an independent contractor on computational linguistics and with Socialtext on social interaction design.
陈瑞霖 Dennis Chen
A map-lover when he is young, now he uses digital way to promote map, even participates by crowd-sourcing map-making. Dennis is the Secretary of Taiwan OpenStreetMap Community Organization (still preparing). He’s the promoter of open source, open content and open data. He likes the idea of freeing culture data. He once worked at organization that promote open source. So he is a long time observator of community-drive website. He is also a contributor of web community, and he spends time on meetup. He has heavy contribution of translating software UI and manual. He chases the trend of cloud application when he’s working, and thinks it’s the future trend. When he is not working, he likes to mountain-climbing. He enjoys exploring extraordinary experience at ordinary things.
刘勇 Liu Yong
Gephi 讲师 Gephi 官方认证讲师,制作的 ” Gephi中文教程 至今已经有将近一万名学习者; 给多家咨询、媒体、教育机构及公益组织做过 Gephi 及可视化方面的分享或培训。 数据可视化实践者 在网络上发布过为数不少的数据可视化作品;制作的《人类疾病与基因关联图》参加了2003年10月份在北京中华世纪坛举办的 “智慧城市 – 2013 北京国际设计周”的展览;数据可视化开放发布倡议 DVOPI的发起者。 社会活动参与者 2006年12月起在本地创建”临汾互联网应用推进工作组 “,致力于发现与聚集本地有志于通过互联网及相关技术来改善自己或社会的人们,共同探讨与交流以拓展行动的空间;2009年7月 – 2013年6月参 与 MIT 新媒体行动实验室创建的NGO2.0 公益项目
An official Gephi Lecturer. The “Gephi Chinese courses” ([2]) has already served almost 10,000 learners online. A data visualization practitioner. He released many works of data visualization and is also the organizer of Data Visualization Open Publishing Initiative(DVOPI,[3]).A social activity participant. He established LinFen Internet Application Impel Workgroup([4]) in December, 2006, which aims at discovering and gathering local volunteers who want to improve the community through Internet and related technologies to explore and communicate.
高阳 Sunny Gao
高阳Sunny,90 后退学极客创业者,SegmentFault 联合创始人兼 CEO,中国最大的黑客马拉松组织者,杭州市唯一的 90 后青年企业家协会理事会员,2014 入选福布斯中国 《30 位 30 岁以下创业者》。 SegmentFault 是中国最大的年轻开发者技术社区,目前聚集超过 100 万开发者,并获得 SAIF、IDG资本等顶级 VC 数千万投资。
Sunny Gao, co-founder & CEO of SegmentFault, organiser of the largest Hackathon in China, was selected as《2014 Forbes China 30 Under 30: Rising Stars Of Entrepreneurism In China》.SegmentFault, as the biggest Chinese Q&A community for developers, now has generated over 1,000,000 users and got tens of millions investment from great VC partners such as SAIF and IDG.
张俊彦 Chang, Chun-yien
作曲家 ‧皇荣数位科技股份有限公司 营运长。一位全然成长与发展于本国环境之中生代音乐艺术家。评称其作品“思考深刻、富蕴哲学意涵与宗教情怀”、“多彩和声织度浓厚戏剧性张力强大感丰沛”。知名中国小提琴家 黄滨( Bin Huang)亦形容其作品“结构非常完整、色彩丰富又具深度;每一次演奏都有新的 )亦形容其作品“结构非常完整、色彩丰富又具深度;每一次演奏都有新的 感受。” 作品除主要见于台湾、美国等地 ,亦曾发表于义大利 Seghizzi、匈牙利 Vivace、德国 Brahms等国际音乐节。 亦擅长将 少数民族语言的神韵深刻地融入跨越国界音乐艺术作品当 中,相关代表作 品有:阿美语艺术歌曲 Mi dalimaw to wawa娜豆兰摇篮曲 娜豆兰摇篮曲 ;两首族语情歌 (中华民国声乐家协会委托 编创);阿美语室内乐艺术歌曲 O’ remadiway no Sikawasay唱歌的 巫婆 (对位室内乐团委托创作、 中华民国文化部委托创作类补助) 等。2010成立 Mysterium Musicum“音乐密契”人声室内集并担任指挥, “音乐密契”人声室内集并担任指挥, 透过吟唱重现跨越时 空的古老淳美人声艺术 ,并充份 实践 其深植于人性的 艺术 理念 。2011年与音契弦乐团合作新 作 Diversions on ‘Jesu dulcis memoria’,并收录在 《寻—相遇的永恒 》CD专辑当中 ;2014年起 担任“ QArt.tw大地艺术季 计画 ”策略长 ;现为皇荣数位科技股份有限公司营运长,致力于云端科技于教育人文之应用。
李仁贵 Ren-Guey Lee

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